With the Democratic and Republican Platforms having recently passed and the elections coming up just around the corner, here are some of the main points concerning immigration from both of the parties.

On one hand, Democrats want to:

  • Reform the quota system for various immigrant groups
  • Repeal the 3- and 10-year bars, which prohibit applicants from returning to the U.S. if they were previously in the U.S. illegally
  • Improve the system and decrease the current backlogs
  • Keep the current Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals
  • Implement the Deferred Action for Parents of Americans
  • Make DREAMers eligible for driver’s licenses and in-state college tuition
  • End raids and roundups of children and families in immigrant communities
  • Create faster paths to citizenship for veterans
  • Guarantee government-funded counsel for unaccompanied minors in immigration court

On the other, Republicans propose to:

  • Build a wall along the entire southern border of the U.S. – one sufficient enough to prohibit both vehicular and pedestrian traffic
  • Protect all ports of entry from illegal immigrants’ crossing
  • Implement the E-verify program nationwide
  • Create tougher penalties against immigrants who engage in identity theft, deal with fraudulent documents, or traffic human beings
  • Expedite deportations of criminal immigrants
  • Allow states to enact their own individual laws to prevent illegal immigrants from residing in said states
  • Bar refugee-seekers from countries with higher prevalence of terrorism from entering

These points were taken and summarized from the Democratic and Republican’s Platforms. To read the full platforms, please follow the links below:

Democratic Party:


Republican Party:



Author cyi

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